Grease Clogs | Terry's Plumbing

Grease Clogs: Dealing with Pesky Drain Problems

Plumbing issues are always a headache. A major source of stress: drain clogs. From hair in the tub to toilet troubles, clogs happen frequently. But so many of them happen in the heart of the home–the kitchen. Why? Fat, oil and grease get into drain pipes from daily cooking and cleaning. Luckily, grease clogs are easy to detect and fix.

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Wash Off Mud | Terry's Plumbing Blog

Wash Off Mud Without Ruining Your Plumbing

With spring comes mud, and lots of it. You know you don’t want to track it all through your house. But you don’t want to wash it down your drain either! Learn how to wash off mud and other debris without ruining your home’s plumbing in the process.

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