How to clean mold Pittsburgh | Terry's Plumbing

How to Clean Mold out of Shower Grout

Need some help getting rid of that pesky mold in your grout? Below are some tips and tricks on how to clean mold out of your shower grout.

Why is mold in my grout?

As a fungus, mold thrives in moist spaces–which can include the corners and crevices of your shower or bathtub. The reason that you may find mold in your tile grout is because of grout’s porous nature. This characteristic makes it a breeding ground for microscopic bacteria and stubborn mold spores. 

Also, your bathtub or shower is a place that rarely dries completely after use, which makes it an even more appealing place for illness-causing microorganisms to grow. Cleaning your grout is key. Even though it may be tedious, it’s worth doing to avoid getting sick.

Ditch the harsh products

Believe it or not, the best way to clean your bathroom is without harsh cleansers or chlorine and bleach-based products! Not only are these chemicals harmful if inhaled, swallowed or come in contact with your skin in certain amounts–but they are just as bad for your shower and plumbing. 

When these types of products are rinsed down the drain, they can cause old pipes to degrade or plastic pipes to warp and melt due to chemical fumes creating heat. The damage they can cause to your showers and tubs is just as bad. If you consistently use those harsh chemicals to clean and disinfect, a couple things will eventually happen:

  1. The color of your grout will fade and become patchy.
  2. Your grout can become uneven, loose and chipped.
  3. Your grout can crack and crumble, causing your bathroom tiles to come loose.

It’s also important to note that bleach cannot penetrate porous surfaces such as grout. This renders bleach useless when trying to combat mold in your showers and tubs. Bleach only cleans and disinfects what is on the surface. This leaves behind microscopic mold spores in the pores of grout, which can continue to grow–thus starting the cycle over again.

The secret recipe

Now that we have gone over the importance of cleaning your grout and what not to use, let’s go over what you should use. The best method is to create a paste-like mixture using a 1:2 ratio of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and apply it to your grout lines using a toothbrush. After applying, let the mixture sit in the grout lines for 3-5 minutes, scrub the grout again with the toothbrush before rinsing–and voila! No more mold! The combination of these powerful grime fighting ingredients won’t run down your shower walls. Instead, it will stay put, penetrate porous grout and kill mold at its source.

Terry’s Plumbing is here for you!

Now that your shower is shining, why not make the rest of your bathroom match! Not only can we fulfill all your plumbing needs, Terry’s Plumbing can also do full bathroom remodels to fit any style or trend. Get in touch today to discuss the details of your remodel–you won’t regret it!