How to Choose a Toilet Seat

Which Toilet Seat is Best for You?

Most toilet seats don’t have that big of a job to do–they open, they close and that’s about it. Yet, choosing the right one can have an influence on your experience every time you go to the bathroom. Choosing the right one may seem easy, but you may be surprised at just how varied your options are. This blog will break down all the information you need to know to make an informed buying decision the next time you need a new toilet seat.

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How to re-grout tile | Pittsburgh | Terry's Plumbing

How to Re-Grout Tile

Grouting is probably the best part of a tiling job–and not just because you get to smear mud all over the place. When you grout your tile, your project starts looking more complete, instead of like a collection of individual tiles. A tile project can be DIYed with ease if you’ve brushed up on the process and have the right materials. In this blog we cover everything you need to get the job done right!

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DIY Facelift or your tub | Pittsburgh | Terry's Plumbing

DIY Facelift for your Tub

Often times the focal point of a full bathroom is the tub – which is expected to be pristine and gleaming. If yours is chipped, scratched, or sporting an old-fashioned color there’s a simple solution.  Spare yourself the bother and expense of ripping it out and replacing it by painting it.

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Home Spa | Terry's Plumbing

Three Ways to Turn Your Bathroom into a Home Spa

Who doesn’t love relaxing after a hard day, letting all of your stress and worries melt away? Many of us seek out expensive spas to do just that. Others have their home oases to take care of the job. Even if you don’t have a jacuzzi tub or a rain shower, there are plenty of easy (and inexpensive) ways to turn your bathroom into a home spa. 

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