Finding and Fixing Plumbing Leaks | Terry's Plumbing

Finding and Fixing Plumbing Leaks

Try as we might, our homes never run with 100% efficiency. The AC is busted or the dishwasher is down for the count. Plumbing issues also top the list of household nuisances, sending your home (and perhaps your sanity) into disarray. Where’s that dripping sound coming from? Why is the floor wet? Leaky plumbing is a common problem, and sometimes you can fix it yourself. Let’s look at how to find out if you have a plumbing leak and what to do about it. 

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Three Kinds of Proactive Plumbing | Terry's Plumbing

Three Kinds of Proactive Plumbing

Nobody likes to waste money. Likewise, we don’t enjoy wasting time. But sometimes, we end up doing both, albeit unintentionally. Preventative maintenance with your plumbing can help conserve time AND money. You know that the longer you let the problem go, the bigger it’ll become. What started as a slow leak near the washer a couple of weeks ago could turn into a flooded basement months later on Christmas morning…and high fee emergency plumber visit! These tips for proactive plumbing will help you to avoid that scenario.

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