Preventing Mold from Growing in your Washing Machine | Pittsburgh | Terry's plumbing

Preventing Mold from Growing in your Washing Machine

Whether you have a top or front loader, new washing machine or old, mold will find its way into it. Though it seems ridiculous, a washing machine being dirty–it’s inevitable since they are the ideal environment for growing mold.

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The Top 3 Most Horrifying Plumbing Problems | Pittsburgh | Terry's Plumbing

The Top 3 Most Horrifying Plumbing Problems

The year 2020 is almost over, but you shouldn’t let your guard down. These three horrifying plumbing problems are sure to make your skin crawl and could happen when you least expect it!

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How to clean mold Pittsburgh | Terry's Plumbing

How to Clean Mold out of Shower Grout

Need some help getting rid of that pesky mold in your grout? Below are some tips and tricks on how to clean mold out of your shower grout.

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