Women in the Plumbing Industry

Women in the Plumbing Industry

While the plumbing industry is still male-dominated, swift changes in female numbers have been made in recent years. It’s not easy to be a female plumber, but also not impossible! Homeowners should feel inspired by these courageous and amazing women leaders making a change in the trades industry! In this blog we cover the history of women in the plumbing industry and one in particular that defied all odds.

Women in the Plumbing Industry

Currently, female plumbers make up about 3% of all plumbers living in the U.S. Sure, this number is not massive, but it is worthwhile! Homeowners should understand that women could only partake in specific roles and jobs without being ostracized just a short time ago (60-70 years ago).

There has been an increase in the last few years, though. While the number is low, it was lower! There are fewer women in plumbing than the rest in all of the popular trades. This is likely because of a gender bias from the men that still work in the plumbing industry. But times are changing, and homeowners will likely notice more and more female plumbers.

Ladies Auxiliary Committee for the National Association of Plumbers

The Ladies Auxiliary Committee for the National Association of Plumbers is an organization and group of courageous and strong female leaders that push for change in the plumbing industry. Funny enough, this group first started as an all-male plumbers organization.

They were tasked with finding out and brainstorming ideas for their wives to do while they were on the job. This quickly changed as years went by, and now the Ladies Auxiliary Committee for the National Association of Plumbers is a full female force! Instead of a social club with sandwiches, bowling, and events, this group strives to change the trades industry, fighting for a place to work alongside men! 

The First Female Master Plumber

Lillian Ann Baumbach is the first female master plumber. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but moving up to the role of a master plumber is not easy! It takes years of dedication and experience in the plumbing field.

Lillian was the first female master plumber in 1950. She first started this career when she was 6. Her father was a master plumber and often took Lillian on jobs. By age 12, she was helping and servicing homes as a plumber alongside her father.

Although boys dominated the industry, she didn’t mind and got her hands dirty! She sparked so much inspiration that this young woman received letters from all over the world, praising her for being a woman in the trades. Through these letters, she earned the nickname “The Pretty Plumber.”

Contact Super Terry Today!

If you are having trouble with your plumbing, it is essential to consult with a professional. Experts have the needed tools and training necessary to address the problems that you are having correctly. From the drains to the sewage, to shower fitting and repair in Pittsburgh, Terry’s Plumbing can meet your plumbing needs effectively and efficiently.