Kitchen Materials to Never use During a Remodel | Pittsburgh | Terrys Plumbing

Materials to Never use During a Kitchen Remodel

Ready to remodel your old kitchen? Picking the right materials is easy if you do your homework and there are amazing products out there. When remodeling you’re going to be looking at price point, sanitation, durability and maintenance. This means you must resist the temptation to buy the cheapest or shiniest materials available and go for durable options that can stand up to regular abuse. Keeping those features in mind, here are some materials to avoid during your next kitchen project.

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The care and keeping of countertops | Pittsburgh | Terry's Plumbing

The Care and Keeping of Countertops

Maintaining your countertops requires more than a simple cleaning! Here are some helpful tips for how to keep your countertops like new, no matter what type they are.

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How To: Replace a Kitchen Sink | Pittsburgh | Terry's Plumbing

How To: Replace a Kitchen Sink

It’s not easy to install a new kitchen sink. But a DIY kind of homeowner with average skills and the right tools can complete the replacement process in a couple of hours.

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