The Easiest ways to Make a Smaller Bathroom Appear Larger 

The Easiest ways to Make a Smaller Bathroom Appear Larger 

Struggling with how to make a small bathroom look bigger while also making the best use of your current space? We understand how tricky this can be, and we’ve also got plenty of solutions that can help you with this common problem. Only some bathrooms can accommodate a double shower, freestanding soaker tub, or dual vanities. But every bathroom can maximize its current space, especially when you use strategic tricks to make a small bathroom look bigger – and feel bigger, too. Here’s where to start. Tip #1: Use Light and Neutral Colors Use neutral colors in light hues throughout […]

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Bidets 101

Bidets 101

You’re reading this because you’re curious. Don’t deny it! So, what exactly is a bidet? Maybe you’ve seen one, a few of you have even used one and a tiny fraction of you may be so bold as to own one. Bidets are commonplace in European and Asian countries, but they’re typically taboo in America. In this blog we give a brief overview of bidets; keep on reading for Bidet 101.  History of Bidets Bidet, a French word, meaning “small horse” was given as a name to this contraption due to the manner in which one must straddle the toilet […]

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Best Places to Put Your Purse in a Public Restroom

Best Places to Put Your Purse in a Public Restroom

Crowded restrooms, dirty floors, questionable surfaces, nefarious stares and a heap of germs. Using a public restroom, while sometimes necessary, can turn into a fiasco – particularly in a ladies room. According to researchers, a woman’s purse could be just as germ infested as a public toilet handle. So what are you supposed to do with your purse when nature calls?  Never use The Door Hook First things first, you probably think the hook on the door is the obvious choice. WRONG. Many women report using the hook and being victimized by purse snatchers who reach over the door to […]

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How to: Minimizing The Need For Sewer And Drain Repairs

How to: Minimizing The Need For Sewer And Drain Repairs

Most homeowners already know the purpose of their sewage and drain systems. This system is responsible for taking water containing waste away from your home. All homes require a certain level of maintenance and care, and everything breaks at some point.  When there is a problem with the sewage and drain system in your home, the results can be disastrous. The good news is that there’s always numerous ways to minimize the need for repair services. The following tips can save you from the inconvenience and cost of constant sewage and drain issues. Not Everything Belongs in the Drain It’s […]

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Are Flushable Wipes Really Safe To Flush?

Are Flushable Wipes Really Safe To Flush?

Do you remember the first time you used a wet wipe instead of toilet paper? At first, you weren’t sure how to feel about it, but after a few more trips to the bathroom, you were hooked! While they might do a great job with the cleanup, they aren’t exactly the hero we thought they were when we first bought them. The packaging of these wipes do say “flushable,” but are they really safe to flush? The Truth About “Flushable” Wipes Wet wipes are marketed as “flushable” and “septic-safe,” so there should be no problem with flushing them down the […]

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The History Of Plumbing and it’s Fixtures

The History Of Plumbing and it’s Fixtures

Plumbing comes from the Latin word for lead, which is plumbum. The word sewer comes from the French word essouier, meaning “to drain.” But how did plumbing systems come together? Surely it didn’t happen overnight, right? Of course not. In this blog we go over the history of main fixtures included in modern-day plumbing systems. Definitions Plumbing – The system of pipes, drains, fittings, valves, and fixtures installed for the distribution of potable water for drinking, heating and washing, and waterborne waste removal. “Plumbing” also refers to the skilled trade which installs and maintains it. Plumbers – Skilled tradespeople who […]

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How to Fix a Leaky Shower Faucet

How to Fix a Leaky Shower Faucet

A leaky shower faucet is more than annoying; it’s expensive. Your money is going down the drain in the form of higher water bills. Fortunately, most leaky shower faucets can be fixed in a few DIY steps.  Use this guide to learn how to fix a leaky shower faucet.

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Bathroom Etiquette Tips | Terry's Plumbing

Bathroom Etiquette Tips

Using a public bathroom isn’t just an exercise in being quiet and using your leg muscles to hover elegantly—it’s also an etiquette adventure course for even the most professionally polite people. Here’s what you need to know to gracefully handle every public restroom trip you take.

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Cold Shower Vs. Hot Shower: Which Is the Better Option? | Terrys Plumbing

Cold Shower Vs. Hot Shower: Which is Better?

Do you like to have a hot, steaming shower in the morning? While hot water showers have their own pros, did you know that a cold shower can also do you a lot of good too? From calming itchy skin to enhancing your blood circulation, cold showers have many health benefits. But which one is better? We give you the complete rundown in this blog. Keep on reading for more!

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High Tech Gadgets for your Bathroom | Terrys Plumbing

High Tech Gadgets for your Bathroom

To help make teeth brushing, showering, bathing, and even sink scrubbing, more efficient and enjoyable, we’ve put together a list of the best bathroom gadgets. So, whether you’re a shower singer, a tub soaker, or a bathroom social media scroller, we’ve got you covered. Here is our pick of the best bathroom gadgets that will enhance your daily bathroom routines.

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