How to Make Your Home Plumbing More Efficient

Winter can be an expensive time of year. There’s all the holiday shopping and expenses to contend with, plus higher utility costs. If you’re reeling from looking at your utility bills, try taking some steps to save money. A great way to do that is by making your plumbing more efficient. While some tips may cost a little up front, they’ll save you money in the long run. Replace Appliances and Fixtures As your appliances age, they become less and less efficient. Older dishwashers and washing machines may not drain properly, or use more water than necessary. Hot water heaters […]

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Common Plumbing Misconceptions

Maybe you’re going off of know-how passed down through the generations. Maybe you saw a social media post and never thought twice about it. Whatever the reason, there are more than a few misconceptions about your home’s plumbing. Not knowing the truth could cost you time, money and aggravation. Read through some of the most common misconceptions. Pipes Have to Be Replaced This is a common upsell technique from less-than-reputable plumbers. While certain situations might require a full or partial replacement, there are plenty of other times when the pipe can simply be fixed. In fact, pipes are able to […]

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Plumbing News Roundup: May 2024

Plumbing Pipe Materials and What They’re Used For

In any trade, the materials you use are important. Having the right material for the job assures the right outcome. When it comes to your plumbing and its pipes, materials are key. There are plenty of different materials making up your plumbing, each with a different purpose. PVC PVC, or Poly-Vinyl Chloride, is the workhorse of any plumbing system. Usually white or gray in color, this plastic piping comes in a variety of  diameters and lengths and is extremely easy to work with. It is simple to cut and fit, and it can withstand years of use. PVC is both […]

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Innovations in Your Bathroom

As another new year gets going, we started thinking about all the new innovations we’re excited to see in 2019. Believe it or not, bathrooms are getting smarter, and proving they’re not just a place to shower, but a destination you won’t want to leave! Here are just a few things we’re excited about. Hi-Tech Appliances and Fixtures It seems like every room in the house has gone through a “smart” evolution. Entertainment systems and computers have improved our living spaces, and every kitchen appliance comes with high-tech features. So why not the bathroom? Everything from automated faucets to sensor […]

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Resolutions Your Plumbing Will Thank You For

As you think up your New Year’s Resolutions, your plumbing probably isn’t at the top of your list. However, making a few changes to your daily routine and being aware of certain issues could help save  you time, stress and, most importantly, money in the long run. So, in 2019, keep these tips in mind for healthier plumbing. Watch What You Put Down the Drain There are plenty of objects that make their way down your sink drains that really shouldn’t. Foreign objects can lead to clogs, slower draining and even damage to your home’s pipes. In general, if you’re […]

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What to Do if You Smell Sewer Gas

This may seem like an odd topic with the holidays just around the corner, but if you’ve ever seen National Lampoon’s “Christmas Vacation,” you know sewer gas is nothing to laugh about—unless your last name is Griswold. For those of you unfamiliar with the scene, Clark’s hillbilly cousin Eddie decides to empty his RV’s toilet tank into a storm drain. Later, when Uncle Lewis lights his cigar, the sewer explodes, sending the holiday decorations blasting into the sky. So what does this have to do with your home? Well, sewer gas unpleasant and probably indicates a bigger problem. Knowing what […]

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What is Hydro-Jetting?

When it comes to clogged pipes, hydro-jetting is nuclear option. After liquid uncloggers, plungers and snakes fail, it’s this process that will finally get things running again. The best part about hydro-jetting is, it not only unclogs your pipes, it cleans them as well. But how t does the hydro-jetting process work? Is it right for your situation? Hydro-Jetting is the Best Way to Unclog Pipes Just short of actually replacing your pipes, there’s no better way to unclog your pipes than with hydro-jetting. This process works best when it is done regularly. A yearly hydro-jetting service ensures your pipes […]

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Bathroom Remodeling Trends for 2019

It’s almost here. 2019 is just around the corner. With a new year comes new possibilities, goals and challenges. However, when you’re in the remodeling business like we are, a new year means new design trends. Bathrooms are one of the most important rooms in the house, and keeping yours up-to-date makes it that much more inviting and attractive when you’re ready to sell. If you’re planning a bathroom remodel in the near future, here are a few trends to keep in mind. Vintage Decor is Back In If you’re a follower of trends, then you know history has a […]

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Common Plumbing Myths

There are plenty of myths associated with plumbing. Whether urban legends or just plain lies, most of these stories are total bunk. We’ll dispel a few of them below. Who knows, it might just be the perfect small talk around the holiday dinner table. Do Toilets Flush the Other Way in Australia? This is an oldie but a goodie. A lot of people think that toilets flush in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere. It’s believed that toilets in the northern hemisphere flush counterclockwise, while southern hemisphere toilets flush counterclockwise! This myth has to do with something called the […]

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A Brief History of Your Bathroom

With the holidays approaching, many homes will play host to tons of family and friends. If your home is the one being invaded, you’re probably going to want some alone time sooner rather than later. What better place than the bathroom? It’s designed for one person and there’s a lock on the door. While you’re in there, we’ve got the perfect light reading for you. Learn how the modern day toilet came to be. The Dawn of Indoor Plumbing In a world of chamber pots and outhouses, getting rid of waste wasn’t the easiest task. However, Sir John Harrington aimed […]

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